
We’ve found a better way for you to sell and service automobiles.

Be the first business to pop up on “Near Me” searches, engage and convert customers to lifelong customers with hyperlocal marketing.

Loqal is a powerful all-in-one location intelligence platform that allows your automobile dealership, automobile service center, and body shop to be more visible and retain more customers.

Localize. Engage. Convert — With Loqal AI

Use Loqal AI to localize your user engagement into conversion

We are focused on hyperlocal marketing. We provide an omnichannel experience to the automotive industry. Automobile dealerships and service centers, with hyperlocal marketing, can see 26% growth in dealer queries, and 8x growth in searches related to dealers on Maps in 2 years.

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Some facts to support why hyperlocal marketing is a necessity for Automobile stores:

  • 2 in every 3 car buyers use a local search like “Dealerships near me”.
  • 20% of an OEM’s(Original Equipment manufacturers) sales were driven by digital.

At Loqal, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning meet to give you accurate, real-time insights and predictions to help you stay on top of the game.

Let us be the engine that drives more customers to your business, while you sit back and do what you do best- provide the best service to your customers.

Build Customer Relationships On Trust And Trust Begins with Reviews.

Be the best-rated automobile business or service center in your area, with our review templates; reducing the wait-time and effort for reviews by customers.

Close the deal, faster

Use your business listings to direct your customers to your website. Convert these website visitors to your customers through web chat; give a personal touch by responding personally or through automated replies via chatbots.

Engage with your customers throughout the customer journey

Connect with your customers from all messaging platforms, on our integrated platform. Send them promotional messages, appointment confirmations, and reminders.

Accelerate your business with data

Get real-time customer feedback and insights all throughout the customer journey. Use this data to improve your services and track your progress across all platforms.

Data-driven campaigns

Run advertising campaigns from our unified dashboard, gather insights, and live updates on how your campaigns are performing across all social media platforms.

Get behind the wheel of your brand and reputation.

Manage your brand reputation through our platform by sending referral templates to your customers, which keeps generating leads. Our AI-powered platform listens to feedback and reviews on all social media platforms and creates a detailed diagnostic report about your brand and reputation. Use these reports to improve your services and boost sales.

Let your competition, hear you rev

Be on top of all local listings, with excellent reviews. Measure your performance against your competitors, with us. This competitor comparison allows you to quantify the success of your campaigns, the improvements you’ve made to your services, and what you can do better so that customers choose you. Don’t let any potential customer go to your competitors, ever again.